Find the best place to travel and then live

‘Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer’, someone said.

West Europe

* Britain

I lived here (mainly Bath and Exeter) for 2 years around (Sep 2018 - Jun 2020). It is very beautiful. But it is difficult to find a job even having my British MBA. Although other West Europian countries are also difficult, still it is great to travel.

* Spain

* Italy

* France

* Greece

East Europe

* Ukraina

* Georgia

Northern America

* Canada


Southeast and East Asia

* Thai

* Indonesia

* Malaysia

* Philippines

* Taiwan

* Japan (Kamakura and Hakodate)

Home country

Here is the pictures on my Instagram account, which the place I visited is posted.

  • Instagram picture 1
  • Instagram picture 2
  • Instagram picture 3
  • Instagram picture 4
  • Instagram picture 5
  • Instagram picture 6
  • Instagram picture 7
  • Instagram picture 8
  • Instagram picture 9
  • Instagram picture 10