Data Visualization

D3 is one of good methoid to visualize data even in Jekyll (static website), however, there is some dificulties to connect data source (Cole, 2017). Tableau is another way to do so with easier data connection. Even if using Python (with its library, Seaborn and Pyplot) only, still we can plot sophisticated graphs at least some extent. Here is some example of that.


  • Jones, B., 2014. Communicating Data with Tableau
  • Cole, D., 2017. D3.js in Jekyll Markdown [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 22 June 2021].
  • Cairo, A., 2011. The Functional Art
  • Few, S., 2006. Information Dashboard Design
  • Knaflic, C.N., 2015. Storytelling With Data
  • Milligan, J.N., 2019. Learning Tableau 2019, Third Edition
  • Packt Publishing, 2014. Mastering D3.js
  • Packt Publishing, 2014. Tableau Dashboard Cookbook
  • Tufte, E., 1983. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
  • Ware, C., 1999. Information Visualization, second edition