This is Kyo, who has Bath MBA and was 5+ years experienced consultant and data scientist.

I am a freelancing data science consultant and working in a firm as a brand (marketing) manager.

Specialized Area

I have experience to improve marketing and business management system using data science. Here is my Linkdin Profile.

Now, I am focusing on studying the applications of Data Science for finance and marketing (ex. here is marketing slides).

Here is the one of my portfolio related to Data Science Business Analytics GitHub code and Financial Analytics GitHub code, which are used in the articles of Business Analytics and Financial Analytics respectively.

Ask Data Science Consultation

I can became your Data Scientist and Consultant especially for the firm which do not have the ones yet, then if you ask a job about that, Better call Kyo via email, Twitter or my upwork profile. Or if you are Japanese speaker, I have also Japanese local pratform WorkShip profile.

Main Achievement in Consultation as a Freelancing Data Science Consultant



  • Developed demand Goods Sale forecast model for ipoca
  • Developing demand Flash Sale forecast model and Follow Brand Recommender Engine for GLADD